Here is a quick and exciting update on the good news in Bakersfield from Pastor Bill Vincent:
Olive Branch Community Church of Bakersfield CA has seen many answers to prayer recently and we want to give God the Glory for all He is doing. There have been exceptional needs in the body of Christ the past few years. God is faithful to bless His people as they seek His face and pray. We at OBCC do not want the Rocks to cry out in our place so we are testifying to His miraculous touches on our community of faith. Below is a link to a Facebook Live event from Sunday June 9, 2024. The beginning of the Worship service shares a couple of the experiences where God intervened in miraculous ways in some health issues and at the conclusion of the service is the third baptism service in 12 months. Six individuals declared their trust in, and dependence on the Love of Christ by following the Lord in Baptism. Since June 2023 OBCC has held three Baptism services with a total of 12 people taking this step. Thank you, Jesus, for working in our midst and moving us closer to You.